CFP: Embedding Digital Literacies in HEIs
Embedding Digital Literacies in HEIs
University College Cork
21st and 22nd of June
Sponsored by DARIAH-Ireland and the Irish Research Council
#DARIAHie #LoveIrishResearch
According to Phillip Ventimiglia and George Pullman (2016), “Just as traditional literacy and the liberal arts have been the key to independence since the advent of public schooling, digital literacy today is about intellectual freedom.” A focus on embedding digital literacies in HEIs across research, teaching, and learning emphasises a paradigm shift away from redundant notions of digital skills towards privileging literacies in a world where digital citizenship is now essential. In the midst of current debates about net neutrality, fake news, and the digital divide, the role of HEIs in supporting, training and producing active digital citizens who can critically navigate these issues is vital.
This conference invites proposals for papers, panels and workshops. Contributions might consider:
- The role of digital literacies in HEIs in current political climates
- Net neutrality
- Fake news, and the ethics of digital literacies
- The role of the researcher in the digital age
- Digital citizenship and Identity
- Digital wellbeing
- Digital capabilities
- Digital competencies
- Digital pedagogy
- Policies that engage with the issue of digital literacies
- Digital literacies and diversity
- The connections between critical thinking and digital literacies
- OERs
- Open Data
Individual papers should be 20 minutes in length. Panel proposals should contain 3-4 speakers. Workshops should be 90 minutes in length.
Abstracts (300 words) and short bios (50-100 words) for speakers and workshop facilitators should be emailed to the conference organisers, Dr Donna Alexander and Dr Orla Murphy at by Friday the 30th of March 2018.
DARIAH-Ireland Travel Bursaries
We are pleased to offer 6 travel bursaries to PhD students, ECRs and academics currently without institutional affiliations. Bursaries will be awarded on the merit of paper or workshop proposals. Recipients will be able to claim up to €300 in travel expenses. Those who wish to apply for a travel bursary should include “Travel Bursary” in the header of your email when you submit your proposal and short biography.
Book of Abstracts available to download here as PDF.